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MODEL NUMBER: 31054836

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Product Description

Space Jam: Basketball legend Michael Jordan stars as himself, a retired sports hero trying his hand at baseball and failing miserably. Meanwhile, the Looney Tunes gang, led by Bugs Bunny, are kidnapped by aliens called the Nerdlucks. It seems that the Nerdlucks' theme park, Moron Mountain (a barely-veiled dig at Disney) is failing to attract customers. The space invaders are convinced that the appearance of Bugs and his pals Porky Pig and Speedy Gonzalez will beef up business. Bugs makes his captors a deal -- they'll play a game of basketball for their freedom. When the Nerdlucks stack the deck by pilfering the talent of NBA superstars Charles Barkley and Patrick Ewing, the Warner Bros. heroes enlist the aid of Jordan, who returns to the court to help the classic characters. While he prepares to play, Jordan is aided by fellow celebrity Bill Murray. Director Joe Pytka previously created many of the television commercials that featured Jordan as a paid endorser. Looney Tunes: Back in Action: In a land where cartoon characters and flesh-and-blood people work side by side, one little black duck lands in a big pot of trouble in this comedy, which brings the beloved Looney Tunes characters into the real world. Daffy Duck (voice of Joe Alaskey) has grown tired of his status as Warner Bros.' leading avian second fiddle and demands that if he can't be given equal billing with his rival Bugs Bunny (also voiced by Alaskey), he wants to be released from his contract. Kate Houghton (Jenna Elfman), Warners' vice president in charge of comedy, is way ahead of Daffy and orders studio stuntman D.J. Drake (Brendan Fraser) to kick the duck off the studio lot. D.J. soon discovers getting rid of Daffy is no easy task, and the duck is in tow when Drake makes a startling discovery -- his father Damien Drake (Timothy Dalton), a movie star best know for playing ultra-suave secret agents, really is a secret agent, and he's been kidnapped by Mr. Chairman (Steve Martin), the evil leader of the monolithic Acme Corporation. Damien knows the secret hiding place of the priceless Blue Monkey Diamond and Mr. Chairman will stop at nothing to get it, so D.J. and Daffy set out to rescue Damien and save the diamond, one step behind Acme's musclemen and one step ahead of Kate and Bugs, who now realize how important Daffy is to the Looney Tunes franchise. Looney Tunes: Back in Action also stars Heather Locklear as a lounge singer working for Yosemite Sam (voice of Steve Babiar), Joan Cusack, John Cleese, Stan Freberg, and Roger Corman.

Specifications View

Language: English
Program Type: Movie
Screen Format: Enhanced Widescreen for 16x9 TV
Studio: Warner Home Video
Region Code: 1
Sound Features: Dolby Digital w/ sub-woofer channel
Aspect Ratio: 1.37:1
Format: DVD
Product Name: Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back in Action [2 Discs] [DVD]
Product Tags: 2 Discs
Subtitles: English

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MODEL NUMBER: 31054836
Sourced from Best Buy
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US $11.99

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  1. Add your item to the cart and place your order
  2. We'll buy your item from an official retailer in the U.S.
  3. We'll ship your item to your international address


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    Product Cost + International Shipping + Service Fee
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How to buy the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] outside the US?

If the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] has not been officially released in your country, you can now purchase the item directly from the US via the Big Apple Buddy website. Big Apple Buddy works directly with the US Best Buy store so their team can help you purchase the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] and have it shipped directly to your international shipping address.

Is the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] available for international shipping?

Yes, the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] is available for international shipping via Big Apple Buddy. Big Apple Buddy currently delivers to over 100 countries in Asia – Pacific, Africa, Europe, North America and the Middle East.

How to buy the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] from the USA?

If the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] has not yet been released in your country, you can purchase the item directly from the US on the Big Apple Buddy website. Once your order has been received, the Big Apple Buddy team will purchase your item from the US store and ship it to your international location.

How much does the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] cost?

The retail price of the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] is US$11.99. The shipping costs will depend on your shipping location. If you would like a shipping quote for the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd], simply add the item to the cart at the top of this page. You will then be taken to a page where you can enter your shipping details to see the costs and estimated delivery times for the available FedEx and UPS shipping options.

What is the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] price?

The Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] retails for US$11.99 in the US. To get a shipping quote for delivery to your international location, simply add the item to the cart above. You will then be taken to a page where you can enter your shipping details to see the cost and estimated delivery times for the available shipping options.

Where to buy the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] in my country?

If the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] is officially available in your country, then the quickest way to buy the item is through your local electronics store. However, if the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] is not officially available in your country and you would prefer not to wait months or years for the local release, you can buy the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] directly from the USA today via Big Apple Buddy. Simply add the item to the cart above to get a shipping quote and to view the estimated delivery times.

When will the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] be released in my country?

The Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] has only been released in a limited number of countries. If you would like to purchase the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] before it''s available in your country, you can do so via the Big Apple Buddy site. Simply place your order and your Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] will be delivered to your international address in as little as a few days. Big Apple Buddy currently ships to over 100 countries worldwide.

How to buy the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] in my country?

The Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd] is now available for international delivery on the Big Apple Buddy platform. To place an order for the Space Jam/Looney Tunes: Back In Action [2 Discs] [Dvd], simply add the item to the cart above and proceed to checkout. Once we receive your order, we'll purchase the item from the US Best Buy store and ship it to your international address. It's that easy!

Fast Shipping Worldwide

Big Apple Buddy is a shopping service based in New York. We're here to help you buy products from the USA that you can't get in your own country. Our service will help you source items from the USA and ship them to your international address. We've partnered with FedEx and UPS to offer fast and reliable shipping to over 100 countries worldwide. Some of the countries we ship to can be found below.

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